Friday, July 29, 2016

Understanding Facebook Ads: Reach vs Frequency Metric

understanding facebook ads reach vs frequency explainedIf you are advertising your products and services using Facebook Ads, you probably are aware of the major learning curve involved in truly understanding all that Facebook has to offer.  To date, Facebook has arguably the best and most accurate data warehouse on the planet.  With an active daily audience reach of 1.13 billion people worldwide, it's hard to not at least consider using Facebook advertising these days.

Here are some other stats that may wow you:

  • 4.5 billion Likes are generated daily
  • 1.57 billion users access Facebook through mobile devices (a 20 percent year-over-year).
  • Facebook Like and Share Buttons are viewed on over 10 million websites daily.

Lately, we have been using Facebook ads for some of our other ventures outside of SEO Graphic Design so we know, there is a bit of a learning curve.  Google Ads have been the go-to ad source in the SEO world for years but now with the detailed metrics Facebook provides.  Google has some real competition!

When you are in Facebook ads one of the first things you'll want to become familiar with will be the terminology that is featured throughout the platform.  Before you spend a dime with any advertising platform you need to make sure you understand how everything works.  You don't want to foolishly waste money on ads just because you didn't understand the platform.

Here are two important links from Facebook that will help you get a firm understanding of how the platform works:

Facebook Glossary

Facebook Campaign Structure

After you read through the two Facebook links above, you will run into two terms that needs a little more explaining to fully understand:

Facebook Reach vs Frequency

facebook ad frequency definition facebook ad reach definition

Facebook "Reach" and "Frequency" are basically two metrics that show you how many people "saw" your ad and how many times your ad was shown to your audience.

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As you'll see in the video below, statistics that show in your reach and frequency report aren't exact.  Just because Facebook places your ad on a person page/timeline, doesn't mean that person actually "saw" your ad.

Video: Facebook Ads Reach vs Frequency

Video Takeaway to Remember: Reach x Frequency = Gross Rating Points (GRiPs).  This metric will give you an even better clue as to which ads perform the best and where you should spend your money.

If you have questions about marketing your products and services on the Facebook Ads platform, feel free to leave a comment below. I'll be more than happy to help.


Learn More Here: Understanding Facebook Ads: Reach vs Frequency Metric

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